Do you know what a credit card chargeback is? Do you know how to dispute a credit card chargeback? Some business owners overlook credit card chargeback’s until there merchant account has been frozen and they do not know why. Don’t let your merchant account get frozen. Let the chargeback mediators handle all of your credit card chargeback needs and get your money back from the customers who thought they were smarter than you. The customer isn’t always right when it comes to wanting their money back.
There are many steps involved and depending on the outcome can be very time consuming and most companies don’t have time to do their own credit card chargebacks. We can save you time and money by using our services for all of your companies chargeback needs. The chargeback mediators have over 26 years of combined experience and can process your credit card chargeback’s quickly and efficiently so that you have one less thing to worry about.
Credit Card Chargebacks Taken Care Of Today
Stop overlooking credit card chargeback’s and losing money that should be yours. Chargeback mediators can do all of your chargeback processing and make sure that you get back the money that is rightfully yours. We have professionals waiting to speak to you about your chargeback needs. Contact us today so that we can start clearing up those chargeback’s and stop customers from taking your money.
How to fight a chargeback and win?
What is a Merchant Chargeback?
Learn more about chargeback services and the options you have
Contact Chargeback Mediators for more information