Are your customers doing fraudulent chargebacks to your business account? Claiming your organization is processing fraudulent charges to their credit card, resulting in additional charges? Are you frustrated that your customers are doing a chargeback for products or services they have already received and then turn around and dispute the charges to their credit card. This can me damaging to your company and your merchant account. There are a number of techniques that can be implemented to your company to prevent chargebacks from happening or protect you when a chargeback does happen. Our company is designed to provide you the tools to improve your business to prevent and win all future chargebacks.
If your customers are doing fraudulent chargebacks to your company, you will want to give us a call to help you with your chargebacks. We have a winning ratio of 90% that we can offer your company to help you get money back that’s rightfully yours. Our specialists will help you find the best chargeback solution for your company. It is very important to keep your merchant account in good standing, otherwise you could be put on a rolling reserve, where your merchant provider will hold up to 20% of all future transactions for up to 6 months. If your funds are currently being held, finding a chargeback company to help you get out of this situation, is your best option.
Rolling Reserves Are Detrimental to a Business’s Cash Flow
If you have noticed that you have been getting an increase of fraudulent chargebacks, now is the time to act and call to get your account setup to help you illuminate chargebacks from happening. If you continue getting an increase of chargebacks, due to not responding or losing your disputes, you may be at risk of rolling reserve fees and/or be placed on the Match List, which can make it much harder to get approved for any future merchant providers. If you are placed on the Match List, you could possible be declined from accepting any future credit card payments from customers, or your per transaction percentage rate might be sky high, because you are considered a high risk merchant. Don’t let these negatives happen to your company. Protect your company and work with a chargeback specialist that knows and understand what your company is going through and will protect you from fraudulent chargebacks.